As shown in video above, you should try the easy method first using the plugin discussed in the video.
If that fails you need to replace both your wp-config.php file and the database files with the backups you did just before trying the plugin method – again, as shown in the video.
Step 1: Edit the wp-config.php file as shown in the video.
Step 2: Use the following codes to change the database table prefix names:
RENAME table 'wp_commentmeta' TO 'mynewprefix_commentmeta';
RENAME table 'wp_comments' TO 'mynewprefix_comments';
RENAME table 'wp_links' TO 'mynewprefix_links';
RENAME table 'wp_options' TO 'mynewprefix_options';
RENAME table 'wp_postmeta' TO 'mynewprefix_postmeta';
RENAME table 'wp_posts' TO 'mynewprefix_posts';
RENAME table 'wp_terms' TO 'mynewprefix_terms';
RENAME table 'wp_termmeta' TO 'mynewprefix_termmeta';
RENAME table 'wp_term_relationships' TO 'mynewprefix_term_relationships';
RENAME table 'wp_term_taxonomy' TO 'mynewprefix_term_taxonomy';
RENAME table 'wp_usermeta' TO 'mynewprefix_usermeta';
RENAME table 'wp_users' TO 'mynewprefix_users';
Replace the mynewprefix text with the NEW prefix name you have.
RENAME table 'wp_commentmeta' TO 'bgwebs_commentmeta';
RENAME table 'wp_comments' TO 'bgwebs_comments';
RENAME table 'wp_links' TO 'bgwebs_links';
RENAME table 'wp_options' TO 'bgwebs_options';
RENAME table 'wp_postmeta' TO 'bgwebs_postmeta';
RENAME table 'wp_posts' TO 'bgwebs_posts';
RENAME table 'wp_terms' TO 'bgwebs_terms';
RENAME table 'wp_termmeta' TO 'bgwebs_termmeta';
RENAME table 'wp_term_relationships' TO 'bgwebs_term_relationships';
RENAME table 'wp_term_taxonomy' TO 'bgwebs_term_taxonomy';
RENAME table 'wp_usermeta' TO 'bgwebs_usermeta';
RENAME table 'wp_users' TO 'bgwebs_users';
If you have more tables than just these, simply add those table names to this list as shown in the video. Just follow below format.
FORMAT: Use this format for all tables.
RENAME table 'wp_sometablename' TO 'mynewprefix_sometablename';
Replace “mynewprefix” with your new prefix name. In my new example above, I changed it to “bgwebs“.
Step 3: Use below code as shown in the video to adjust the names in the options table:
UPDATE 'mynewprefix_options' SET 'option_name' = 'mynewprefix_user_roles' WHERE 'option_name' = 'wp_user_roles'
Again, replace the mynewprefix text with the NEW prefix name you have.
Step 4: Use below code as shown in the video to adjust the names in the usermeta table:
UPDATE 'mynewprefix_usermeta' SET 'meta_key' = REPLACE( 'meta_key', 'wp_', 'mynewprefix_' )