You should change your password from time to time. If you have just installed a new WordPress, it is important to change your password.
Here’s how:
1. On the Main Navigation Menu, hover your mouse over the “Users” link.
2. On the drop down menu, click “Your Profile”.
3. You will be redirected to the “Personal Options” page.
4. Scroll down until the “New Password” field.
5. Click “Generate Password” button (see screenshot above).
6. You may use auto-generated password.
Just be sure to copy and paste it on a password list/notebook especially if you have more than two WP sites.
7. Type in a new password if you prefer.
To make a strong password, you should use at least seven characters using use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & ).
8. Edit/Change Other Personal Details
While on the personal options page, you may also change other details such as “Name” and “Contact Info” as needed.
Change Password Using Site Database
If for some reason you can’t change your password using this method, you may need to manually change your password using site database.
Click link below to watch a video tutorial on how to do that.